Solar Activity Significantly Affecting Ionosphere, FCC Opens Docket for Comments on Impact

ARRL News - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 10:54

Aurora Propagation, Northern Lights

The sun has been busy, and it’s been a mixed bag for radio amateurs. Earlier this month, millions of people got a chance to see the aurora borealis for the first time, as the northern lights were active farther south than they had been in decades. The brilliant displays, visible as far south as Mexico, were a result of a series of coronal mass ejections. The e...

Categories: ARRL

Cliff Ahrens, K0CA, Former ARRL Midwest Division Director, Silent Key

ARRL News - Thu, 05/30/2024 - 09:12

Hon. Clifford Ahrens, K0CA, passed away on May 22, 2024. He served as Vice Director and Director of the ARRL Midwest Division. He was a Life Member of ARRL and the Hannibal Amateur Radio Club, and held an Extra-class amateur radio license.

In 1991 Ahrens was appointed by then-Missouri Governor John Ashcroft to the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District, where he also served one term ...

Categories: ARRL

2024 ARRL National Convention Kicks off at Dayton Hamvention

ARRL News - Fri, 05/17/2024 - 22:42

By: Sam Shaner, KE1SAM

A massive turnout of hams of all ages are flocking to numerous attractions at the 2024 ARRL National Convention, hosted at Dayton Hamvention®. Local scattered showers don’t seem to be raining on this parade; outside Tesla Building 2, seemingly miles-long lines of attendees wait for their orders of pork tenderloin sandwiches, hand-sliced gyros, burgers, and corn dogs. Insid...

Categories: ARRL

2024 ARRL Field Day gear is now shipping!

ARRL News - Fri, 05/10/2024 - 11:36

ARRL Field Day is June 22-23. Get ready for amateur radio's largest on-air operating event with official 2024 ARRL Field Day merchandise, now available. T-shirts, hats, mugs, pins, patches, and more are a great way to show off your involvement in this annual event. This year's design features the theme "Be Radio Active." The back of the t-shirt includes a check-off list of ARRL and RAC Sections...

Categories: ARRL

The K7RA Solar Update

ARRL News - Fri, 05/10/2024 - 11:36


"Four halo CMEs first observed over 08-09 May are expected to arrive
at Earth on 10-May, starting at 1000 UTC +/- 10 hours. G4
geomagnetic conditions are expected on 10-May, reducing to G3 with a
chance of G4 on 11-May.


Categories: ARRL

ARRL Learning Center Features Two New Emergency Communication Training Courses

ARRL News - Fri, 05/10/2024 - 11:33

ARRL has released two new courses to train emergency communications (EmComm) operators for volunteering within the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®). Both courses are within the ARRL Learning Center.

The Basic EmComm course is designed to get a new volunteer started. It provides basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer and contains three modules and 11 topics, ...

Categories: ARRL

Focus on Public Safety Relationship Building at the 2024 ARRL National Convention

ARRL News - Fri, 05/10/2024 - 11:23

Those attending the 2024 ARRL National Convention at Dayton Hamvention® will have an opportunity to learn more about how amateur radio is relevant and highly involved in the modern emergency management landscape. The convention is May 17 - 19 in Xenia, Ohio. 

ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, will host a booth for the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® -- ARES®. The boot...

Categories: ARRL

ARRL Volunteers Obtain Ham Exemption to Pennsylvania Handsfree Law

ARRL News - Thu, 05/09/2024 - 15:41

Member-volunteers of ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® in Pennsylvania have successfully protected the legal right to use amateur radio while operating mobile within the state. A handsfree distracted driving bill had worked its way through the legislature over the past several years, and ARRL Atlantic Division Director Bob Famiglio, K3RF, successfully advocated for an exemption ...

Categories: ARRL

Dick Rutan, KB6LQS, Record-Setting Pilot, SK

ARRL News - Thu, 05/09/2024 - 08:36

Lt. Col. Richard “Dick” G. Rutan, KB6LQS, has become a Silent Key. He passed away at the age of 85 on May 3, 2024, surrounded by family. Rutan was an ARRL member.

In 1986, Rutan made international headlines for his flight in Voyager with copilot Jeana Yeager. The pair flew around the world (nonstop and unrefueled) in 9 days, 3 minutes, and 44 seconds.

Rutan was a United States Air Force combat pi...

Categories: ARRL

Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Scheduled for May 11

ARRL News - Thu, 05/09/2024 - 08:15

The US Department of Defense (DOD) is hosting this year’s Armed Forces Day (AFD) Crossband Test on Saturday, May 11.

For more than 50 years, military and amateur stations have taken part in this event, which is an interoperability exercise between amateur and government radio stations. The event is open to all licensed amateur radio operators and will not impact any public or private communicat...

Categories: ARRL

Changes in the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section

ARRL News - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 13:53

Steven Hendricks, KK6JTB, has been appointed as Section Manager of the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section.

He fills the vacancy left by John Litz, NZ6Q, who was appointed as Vice Director of the ARRL Pacific Division.  

Hendricks has always had a love for radio, and he first earned his amateur radio license a decade ago. "In 2014, I became licensed as a Technician, and in 2015 I became a General," h...

Categories: ARRL

Storms and Tornadoes: Amateur Radio Ready

ARRL News - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 13:53

Strong storms and reports of at least 60 tornadoes have wreaked havoc in the Central U.S. for nearly two weeks. Homes and businesses across Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, and Iowa were destroyed, and power is still down for more than 30,000 residents. On May 1, 2024, President Joe Biden declared a major disaster exists in Oklahoma, making federal aid available to those affected by last we...

Categories: ARRL

Students to Promote Collegiate Amateur Radio at the 2024 ARRL National Convention at Dayton Hamvention®

ARRL News - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 13:44

Young adults planning to attend the 2024 ARRL National Convention at Dayton Hamvention® can look forward to meeting many other young hams at the event, including college students representing the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program (CARP). The convention is on May 17 - 19, 2024, at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio.

CARP will occupy a booth in the large ARRL exhibit ...

Categories: ARRL

The K7RA Solar Update

ARRL News - Fri, 05/03/2024 - 10:55


"A period of planetary G3 geomagnetic conditions has been observed
on 02-May, associated with two recent CME arrivals and a sustained
period of southward IMF conditions. Further periods of G3 are
possible over 02-03 May.


Categories: ARRL

CQ Magazine Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, SK

ARRL News - Wed, 05/01/2024 - 08:29

Longtime amateur radio publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, has become a Silent Key. He passed away on April 27, 2024.

In 1960, Ross started working for Cowan Publishing Company and quickly became Associate Editor for CQ. In 1964, he was promoted to Editor of CQ, when Cowan Publishing moved its offices to Long Island, New York. As Ross became more involved with the business side of the magazine, he was e...

Categories: ARRL

MFJ Ceasing On-Site Production

ARRL News - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 15:17

Updated 4:26:24 8:00 pm EDT with additional statement from Martin F. Jue, K5FLU. 

MFJ Enterprises, Inc founder Martin F. Jue, K5FLU, announced that as of May 17, 2024, the company will cease on-site production at their Starkville, Mississippi, facility. Ameritron, Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Mirage, and Vectronics brand products will be affected by the shutdown.  

In a letter posted to social media, Jue ...

Categories: ARRL

T-Minus 3 Three Weeks: 2024 ARRL National Convention at Hamvention®

ARRL News - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 13:06

The 2024 ARRL National Convention is just 3 weeks away, on May 17 -- 19, 2024. The event is being hosted by Dayton Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio.

ARRL has a significant amount of technical content planned for the convention program. (see the full rundown at There are also presentations planned to challenge and inspire attendees throughout each step of a radio amateur's journey in...

Categories: ARRL

Youth on the Air (YOTA) will be accepting in-person donations of eclipse glasses

ARRL News - Fri, 04/26/2024 - 12:59

Recycled glasses will be sent home with Argentinian campers attending the 2024 YOTA Summer Camp in the Americas, so that amateur radio operators and youth can safely watch the Annular Solar Eclipse in October. Donations are only being accepted in person at the Dayton Hamvention YOTA Booth #4304 from May 17 - 19 and at the YOTA Summer Camp in the Americas in Halifax, Novia Scotia, Canada, from J...

Categories: ARRL
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