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Meeting Minutes - May 2019

 Jersey Shore Amateur Radio Society

Business Meeting 9 May 2019

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 EDT by Steve, KC2YQZ.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said, followed by a moment of silence and roll call.

Meeting minutes for April were read by Secretary Matt de Rouville, K3MR. Approval was moved by Joe, KD2NAY, and seconded by Dennis, W2DDS.

Treasurer Joe Russo, KD2NAY, gave the April treasurer’s report, preceded by a report on the Hamfest.  Approval of the Hamfest report was moved by Steve, KC2YQZ, and seconded by Brian, WA2FAX.  The general report had Dave, N2WCO moving approval, with a second by Bill, KD2JBJ.

Charlie, N1CRR, presented the April status for the JSARS Traffic Net.

· Check-ins:  600

· Messages in/out:  35/35

· Total minutes:  519

· Sessions:  30

· Participants:  630

Approval was moved by Cindy, KD2KNV, and seconded by Bill, KD2MZM.

Old Business

Jim, WA2RJP, reported that all the repeaters were operating as well as or better after recent work.  He had received a 20-page lease form from Suez Water for the two water tower sites (Hooper Avenue and US 9/NJ 70) the Society had been using for repeaters.  President Tom Russell, KD9BVC, had also received communications from Suez that there would be no rental fees for use of the towers.  The lease would extend for five years, with an option for three five-year renewals with a 3% cost increase, thus remaining at zero).

The shelter for the repeater equipment at the Hooper Avenue site would need to be made more presentable to Suez.

One issue is that the feed line would have to be replaced with company-specified 1 5/8” blue line replacing the 7/8” hard line the Society had previously installed.  Two runs would cost $3,965, with 50% down and 50% payable upon completion.

Brian, WA2FAX, asked if we would be able to have a tower climber once work was complete, and Jim reported this would be possible with 24-hour notice to Suez.  We would also have access to our building and equipment.

Dave, N2WCO, asked about 501c(3) status.  Tom, KD9BVC, reported that we were beginning from scratch, although we did already have an EIN.  However, because of the current lack of tax-exempt status, we would put off the Poker Run.  Tom moved and Charlie, N1CRR, seconded this delay.  The motion was approved.

President Tom then mentioned that we would not have an organized outing to the Blue Claws this year.  Other items he mentioned was the need to up club membership and to wear club swag.  He also thanked Society members for their help with the Hamfest.

Chris, K2HVE, discussed planning for Field Day.  We would set up beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, 22 June.  We had enough antennas for one CW and three SSB stations.  ARRL officials would be there for pictures of set-up.  Pete, K3PMC, suggested advertising the event, and he agreed to make up fliers.

New Business

Elections will be held next month.  Brian, WA2FAX, has been nominated for secretary.

President Tom, KD9BVC, noted we would have a work day for improving the appearance of the transmitter building at the Suez tower site.  We need 400 sq. feet of siding for the building, which Tom would purchase.  The work day was scheduled for Saturday at 11 a.m. with Society members performing the work. Several members made donations to purchase the siding.  Steve, KC2YQZ, suggesting thanking Suez in some manner.

President Tom talked about putting together a committee to work out details of the pancake breakfast fundraiser.  Dave, N2WCO, suggested offering life memberships or getting loans/selling bonds to members to be repaid upon availability of funds.  He agreed to prepare bond certificates.

Pete, K3PMC, moved that meeting be adjourned, which was seconded by Dennis, W2DDS.  The meeting was adjourned at 20:07 EDT.  Total Attendance was 17.

Submitted by Matt de Rouville

