May 8, 2014

 May 8, 2014

Meeting called to order 1902hrs
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Minutes of the April meeting accepted by Rocky (N2YQS) and by Brian (WA2FAX)
Treasurer’s report: Report given by Darleen (KC2HCW)  P.O. Box was paid and a donation to the MS Walk
Vice President: Jim (WA2RJP) explained the new equipment given to club, at no cost, by Yaesu. Any questions or concerns, please contact Jim.
 The 440 repeater was taken home by Jim and fixed properly. Jim and Charlie (N1CRR) did return it to Lakehurst. The packet is also working correctly. Any info or questions on the 900mh repeater, or any other repeater, please contact Jim, Charlie or John (N2QKV).
The next meeting, June, will be elections. Anyone interested in running for a position, please let President Don (K2HCW) know.
Field Day will be June 27-29 at Riverwood
President Don (K2HCW) booked the date for this year’s Spring Hamfest; It will be Sunday May 18th at Riverwood. Flyer is on the website.
Dennis (DDS) and Cathy raised over $7,000 for the MS Walk
May Birthdays were celebrated
Meeting closed 1947hrs – Motion by Brian (WA2FAX) and Lloyd (N2KPC)