December 2006 Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the December 14, 2006 JSARS Business Meeting: Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence for troops over seas Roll Call The president, DON - K2HCW, welocmed everyone to the Holiday Party/final meeting of the year. Acceptance of Minutes for November 2006 Meeting. Motion by Jon, W2LKS, seconded by Rocky, N2YQS Treasurer's report: Phone bill automatically deducted from account Motion to accept by Tony, N2XWH, seconded by Mike, N3ML Guest Speaker: Yuri, K3BU Spoke about WOO in Ocean Gate. The building is being restored and they would like to make it into a museum. Also they would like to have an operating station for contesting. Presesented membership to Jim, WA2RJP, and Don, K2HCW. More information on the Tesla Radio Club can be had by contacting Yuri, K3BU Old Business: Open Executive Board positions Next meeting, January 2007, we will be holding elections to fill the open Vice President and Trustee positions. An open call for people to run for the positions was made. In responce, Llyod, N2KPC and Tony, N2XWH, would like to serve as Trustee. Also Kevin, KC2NYQ, and Jim, KC2OUT, would like to serve as Vice President. New Business: None A motion to close the meeting was offered by Ed, WA2NDA, and seconded by Tony, N2XWH. Meeting was ajourned and the Holiday Party commenced. Thank you to all who brought for the Holiday Party.