Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2010



Minute of silence

May 13, 2010


Minute of silence

Roll call

Prior minutes accepted as posted on the website. WA2FAX and KC2QFL

April 8, 2010

Meeting Minutes


Minute of silence

Roll Call

March 11, 2010


Minute of Silence

Roll Call

Minutes accepted as posted WA2FAX and K2IYE

Treasures Report given and accepted K2IYE and WA2FAX

Old Business:

Hamfest April 11, 2010 at Riverwood Park.

Antenna Class : Willies antenna is almost complete . Cheapham has donated 18 gauge wire to the Antenna class.

Shirts and Jackets are still available, contact Valerie if interested (732) 905-3315

The ALINCO HT , donated by CHEAPHAM.COM , won by Julie KC2VHT.

New Business:

Febuary 11, 2010

Minute of Silence
Roll Call
Minutes as Posted were accepted WA2FAX & K2IYE
Treasures report given and accepted WA2NDA & KC2TSN
Winter Field Recap. Thank You to all who particiapated.
Boy Scouts also had a Fox Hunt and enjoyed it very much.

  • Pledge
  • Min of silence
  • Roll call
  • Minutes accepted K2IYE & KC2POT
  • Treasures report given and accepted KC2POT & K2IYE
  • Holiday Party was a huge success Thank You to all who helped and came to the party.

        Old Business:

  • Pledge
  • Minute Silence
  • Thoughts and Prayers for a speedy recovery for Valerie KC2KGE
  • Treasures Report given and accepted
  • Minutes accepted as posted
  • Holiday Party will be December 10, 2009 Frank K2IYE made a motion to allot $600.00 for the holiday party and was accepted.
  • New roof was put on the club trailer.
  • New website is in the process of being done
  • N2KPC will be holding Tech, General and Extra classes weekly at the club gathering
  • N2KPC will also be holding radio telephone classes the book can be purchased for $35.
Pledge Minute of silence Roll call Congratulation was given to Evan KI2Y and Julie KC2QPI. They will be getting married October 17,2009 Minutes were accepted K2IYE and WA2NDA Treasures report given and accepted K2IYE and WA2FAX JSARS jackets and shirts are available place your order now! T-shirts are $12.00 and sweat jackets are $30.00 winter jackets are also available upon request. Trailer roof is in the process of being ripped off and redone. 4-H Trail ride help is needed will be October 11,2009 meeting at the super WAWA in New Egypt at 8 am.
Pledge Min of silence Roll call Thank you all for coming to the meeting Motion to accept minutes Treasures report given and accepted fax &fu Old Business: Founders Day June 6th 2009 Ocean County Fair we will go as a night out and go in a group and support the Ocean County Fair Field Day is coming June 26-27th Repeater: 440 site WA2RJP~ Motorola Trailer Repair needs to started and get ready for Field Day Our Antenna class has finished their first antenna and was donated to N2RAI
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