Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the December 14, 2006 JSARS Business Meeting: Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence for troops over seas Roll Call The president, DON - K2HCW, welocmed everyone to the Holiday Party/final meeting of the year. Acceptance of Minutes for November 2006 Meeting. Motion by Jon, W2LKS, seconded by Rocky, N2YQS Treasurer's report: Phone bill automatically deducted from account Motion to accept by Tony, N2XWH, seconded by Mike, N3ML Guest Speaker: Yuri, K3BU
The minutes from the November 9, 2006 JSARS Business Meeting:
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Moment of Silence for troops over seas
  • Roll Call
  • Acceptance of Minutes for October 2006 Meeting. Motion by Frank, K2IYE, seconded by Chuck, K2RXN
  • Treasurer's report:
    • Phone bill automatically deducted from account
    • Post Office Box fee due
    • Reminder that Dues are due in January for 2007.
    • Motion to accept by Kevin, KC2NYQ, seconded by John, W2LXS
  • Old Business:
    • Repeater
      • Hum issue worked on and is a work in progress
The minutes from the October 12, 2006 JSARS Business Meeting:
  • Pledge of Allegance
  • Minute of Silence for troops over seas
  • Roll Call
  • Reading of the Minutes from the September meeting
  • Motion to accept the minutes by Ed, WA2NDA, and seconded by Frank, K2IYE
  • Treasure's Report Presented by Valerie
  • Motion to accept the Treasure's report by Kevin, KC2NYQ, and seconded by Jim, KC2OUT
  • Old Business
    • Hamfest
      • Thank you to Frank of for the donation of the door prize
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